The organisation has carried out several programmes on women’s health. These included a

four-month women’s health program focusing on four topical issues: gynaecological malignancies,

breast and cervical cancer awareness, HIV/STIs & STDs awareness, and Reproductive Health. Each

programme was conducted for a month.




The following testimonials reflect on the impact of our training program on Women’s Health.


2.2.5.Skills Training and Development

The organisation has committed to skills training and development by conducting different physical

and virtual training workshops. We delivered four modules of training on Confidence Coaching,

one-month long training on “Grooming & Etiquette”, one-month training titled “Out of My Shell”,

one-month training on “Survival Mode”, five classes of training on the “Values of Mentorship”,

one-month training on “Dealing with Men”, one-month training on “Focused leadership”, and

one-month training in “Social Media Use & AI”

We have also hosted lunch dates and picnics conducting book reviews, networking and socio-economic discussions.

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