Projects & Programs

Our Programs

At ZHEERA Trust, we have a comprehensive plan in place to empower women and create a society that promotes equality and justice. Through our targeted programs and initiatives, we aim to address the challenges faced by women and girls at various levels. Here’s an overview of our plan:

  1. Women’s Rights and Awareness: We conduct training programs and raise awareness on gender-based violence, sexual harassment, inheritance laws, and other women’s rights issues. By providing knowledge and resources, we empower women to protect their rights and advocate for a safer and more equitable society.
  2. Entrepreneurship: We offer mentorship and training workshops to support women in starting and growing their businesses. Our programs cover topics such as business development, financial literacy, and market research, equipping women with the skills and knowledge to become successful entrepreneurs.
  3. Mental Health: We prioritize the mental well-being of women through seminars, counseling sessions, and mentorship programs. Our aim is to provide emotional support, promote mental wellness, and build resilience among women, helping them overcome challenges and lead fulfilling lives.
  4. Women’s Health: Our programs focus on providing knowledge and support for women’s sexual and reproductive health. We educate women about their rights, provide access to necessary information, and promote overall well-being through our initiatives.
  5. Advocacy and Policy Change: We actively engage in advocacy efforts to bring about policy changes that benefit women and girls. By collaborating with stakeholders, raising awareness, and advocating for gender equality, we strive to create an enabling environment for women’s empowerment.
  6. Capacity Building: We invest in building the capacities of women and girls through skill development programs, leadership training, and educational opportunities. By equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge, we empower women to take charge of their lives and contribute meaningfully to society.
  7. Collaboration and Partnerships: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnerships. We work closely with local communities, government agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders to maximize our impact and create sustainable change.


Join us in our efforts to empower women and transform society. Together, we can create a future where every woman has equal opportunities, rights, and the ability to thrive. Get involved in our programs, support our initiatives, and help us make a lasting difference.